Simple 10 Frame allows the usage of handle Fala or Polo. Both handles are characterised by simplicity, functionality and form. As a decorative element, they are bound to draw the attention of a watchful observer. Handle Fala has a well profiled shape which enables comfortable use. Handle Polo has a subtle and simple form and ensures rigidity of construction. They are available in silver and light brown.
The high robustness of furniture will be accentuated by handle Libra used with system Simple 18 Frame. Libra is a simple but sophisticated style. Combining glass filling 4.5mm, 4mm and 18mm board will create the perfect wardrobe. Handle Libra is available in the most popular colours: silver and light brown.
System Simple 18 Board gives unlimited possibilities in wardrobe design. Important role is played by handles: FIESTA 16 mm and 18 mm, FOCUS 16 mm and 18 mm as well as handle LIBRA. Profiles are elegant, practical and can easily create stylish furniture. Handle Fiesta and Focus are available in three colours: silver, gold and light brown while handle Libra in silver and light brown.